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Weather Warning


Due to Cyclone Alfred, all Ausbuild Land Sales Centres, Display Homes, Building Sites, and our Corporate Office will be closed on Thursday, 6th March, and Friday, 7th March. Further updates are provided below. Stay safe during this difficult time.

Site, Office & Sales Centre Closures

Due to extreme weather conditions caused by Cyclone Alfred, Ausbuild has taken precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our staff, clients, and visitors. As a result, we have closed all Land Sales Centres, Display Homes, Building Sites (both commercial and residential), and our office location.

At this stage, these locations will remain closed on Thursday, 6th March, and Friday, 7th March.

  • Land Sales Centres & Display Homes are expected to reopen on Saturday, 8th March, subject to weather conditions.
  • Building sites are expected to reopen on Monday, 10th March, pending an assessment.
  • Our office will be closed, but we will continue to maintain essential services as required to support our clients.

These dates are subject to change as we continue to monitor and assess conditions. Further updates will be provided as needed.

To Our Clients

For safety reasons, all building sites are strictly off-limits until further notice. Please do not attempt to access your home or construction site. Severe weather can make construction sites highly hazardous.

Our team has taken all possible precautions to secure sites and minimise potential risks to homes and neighbouring properties. Once the storm has passed, we will assess and address any damage as a priority.

If your existing or completed home is damaged during the storm, your first point of contact should be your insurance company. Please proceed with assessments of any damage related to storms and extreme weather through your insurer before reaching out for further assistance.

Lastly, if you are experiencing damage that is causing harm to yourself or others, contact emergency services immediately by calling ‘000’.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time. 

Stay safe, and we will provide further updates as needed.

Last Updated: 9:00am March 5th