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CRG Terms of Reference


Words by Ausbuild

June 6, 20228 min read

Version 2 dated 4th May 2022


The Sanctuary is a vibrant new community in Warner in Brisbane’s thriving north-west being created by renowned Queensland community developer
and builder, Ausbuild. Life at The Sanctuary embraces the warmth of neighbourhood connection and the joy of the outdoors – encouraging a sense of sharing, belonging, and caring for the environment. Its unique natural setting encompasses 11 hectares of rejuvenated conservation corridors complete with 26,000 new trees and shrubs, and special wildlife protections including a dedicated koala and fauna corridor, and koala fencing.

The Sanctuary is being developed in three stages:

  • Stage 1: The eastern lot north of Warner Road (12.7 hectares) – approved by the Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) in 2020 and currently under construction;
  • Stage 2: The western lot north of Warner Road (11.4 hectares) – approved by MBRC in 2021, and following discontinuance of an appeal in the Planning and Environment Court in April 2022, construction will begin in June 2022; 
  • Stage 3: The land south of Warner Road (27.76 hectares) – a development application has been lodged and is being assessed by the MBRC.

In September 2021, Ausbuild established a Community Reference Group (CRG) as part of its commitment to meaningful engagement and open, transparent communication. The intention of the CRG is to help us inform how The Sanctuary contributes to its local environment and brings the future community together.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the CRG is to:

  • Be a forum where community representatives discuss issues of community interest 
  • Draw on local knowledge to enhance community outcomes
  • Be a consultation / engagement and information sharing mechanism
  • Build the community’s awareness and understanding of the project
  • Foster genuine and meaningful engagement.

The scope of the CRG includes:

  1. Developing a place identity for The Sanctuary
  2. Seeking input and feedback with respect to the following: 
    1. public spaces and park design
    2. street naming
    3. activations and events
  3. Engaging the community in protection of flora and fauna
  4. Community education with respect to relevant issues of wildlife,
    environment, and sustainability
  5. Providing advice, information and recommendation to Ausbuild about the Sanctuary Community Fund grants, including with respect to timing, communications and assessment of grant applications. The scope of the CRG specifically excludes providing advice, information and recommendation to Ausbuild about:
  • number of lots, population density and lot sizes
  • street network layout and location of parks and riparian zones.

The scope of the CRG specifically excludes providing advice, information and recommendation to Ausbuild about:

  • number of lots, population density and lot sizes
  • street network layout and location of parks and riparian zones

Powers of the CRG 

The CRG provides information, advice and views and, where sought, recommendations to Ausbuild. The group has the opportunity to influence Ausbuild’s decision making, however, does not have decision making authority.


Membership on The Sanctuary CRG is voluntary. Membership will consist of:

  • A maximum of five (5) community members all of whom are appointed through an Expression of Interest process 
  • Up to two (2) special interest members, recommended by Ausbuild and appointed by a majority vote of the members of the CRG at the time of the vote
  • A Chairperson, to be the Ausbuild Development Manager for The Sanctuary or as otherwise appointed by Ausbuild
  • A Facilitator, to be a third-party urban place making and community relations expert.

Subject matter experts may also be invited from time to time to discuss particular issues or aspects of the project.

Member Responsibilities 

By virtue of applying and participating in the CRG, members will: 

  • Attend and participate in meetings 
  • Adhere to these Terms of Reference
  • Represent broad community views
  • Not disrupt proceedings of the CRG or Ausbuild’s general business
  • Provide information and advice to Ausbuild on their community engagement outcomes relating to The Sanctuary.


The term of membership is one (1) year, subject to compliance with these Terms of Reference.


In the event of member vacancy, the Chairperson may:

  • appoint a new member by either:
    • revisiting unsuccessful EOI applications; or
    • through an advertising process; or 
  • choose to leave the position vacant.


A member may be removed from the CRG at the Facilitator’s absolute discretion if they:

  • are absent from two (2) consecutive meetings; or
  • breach these Terms of Reference.

Any member terminated by the Facilitator will be notified in writing.

A member may terminate their own membership at any time. Notice of membership termination must be provided in writing to the Facilitator.


Where a decision of the CRG is required, judgement will favour the majority.

Expression of Interest Process

Membership on the CRG will be advertised and managed through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to be undertaken every 12 months.

Interested community members will be required to complete an EOI application to be considered for membership. Submissions will be assessed by a panel comprising an Ausbuild team member, a relevant project consultant and an independent facilitator. Submissions will be assessed by the panel against eligibility criteria, and responses given to selection criteria. 

The EOI will be advertised on the Ausbuild website, and in local newspapers for two (2) weeks. Ausbuild will write to a cross section of community leaders (schools, businesses and recreation providers) to ensure broad awareness of the CRG and encourage membership. 

Interested applicants will be required to submit an EOI application, meeting the eligibility and selection criteria, by the due date stipulated in the advertisement. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Applicants for the CRG must: Be 18 years or older 
  • Reside or work within the suburb of Warner or immediate surrounding suburbs of Eatons Hill, Albany Creek, Cashmere, Strathpine, Brendale and Bray Park, within the Moreton Bay Regional Council Area 
  • Not be a current Local member of Parliament (MP) at the State or Federal level, or a Local Councillor 
  • Not have an undisclosed Conflict of Interest (see definition, below) with Ausbuild or its development of The Sanctuary, Warner.

Conflict of interest 

A conflict of interest may occur when an individual becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal interests and their ability to act objectively and in the interest of the efficient functioning of the CRG.

Selection Criteria

Applicants will need to respond to questions relating to their interest in becoming a member of the CRG outlined on the Ausbuild website. The questions will be outlined in the EOI.

Responses to these questions will be scored using the following rating system:




Low or no level of interest with no relevant experience


Some interest with limited experience demonstrated


High level of interest and relevant experience demonstrated


High level of interest and relevant experience detailed and demonstrated, with experience linked to the CRG objectives.


Where possible, the CRG aims to be representative of the community’s diversity in demographics, interests and knowledge including: 

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Cultural background
  • Family structure.



Meetings will be held on an approximately bimonthly basis (every 2 months) at a venue local to The Sanctuary or via a virtual meeting. Meetings are expected to be approximately 90 minutes in length. 

Agenda and Summary Outcomes Report 

The meeting agenda will be distributed three (3) business days in advance of each meeting, and a summary report of each meeting will be made public on the Ausbuild website. 


CRG members will receive a stipend to the value of $125 for each meeting they attend to compensate their time, travel and meal costs and recognise the value of their contribution.

Members may opt to donate the funds if they wish (or if required by their organisation) to a school, charity or community organisation of their choice.


Members are required to: 

  • Act with honesty, good faith and integrity
  • Abide by these Terms of Reference
  • Declare any actual or perceived conflicts of interest at the commencement of every meeting
  • Represent the interests of the local community rather than individual interests or issues
  • Maintain confidentiality of discussions within meetings.

Members are not permitted to liaise with the media and represent either the opinions of Ausbuild or the CRG. Members must not use the CRG for any public lobbying or political purposes, including use of social media to promote specific campaigns or strategies. Any material or actions that breach this code of conduct will result in immediate termination of membership. 

Members cannot use any information disclosed at meetings for personal purposes or gains for either themselves or others (including financial gains) and must maintain confidentiality of all information provided.


These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually by Ausbuild or more frequently as considered necessary by Ausbuild and agreed to by a majority vote of the committee.