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The Sanctuary Development Bulletin | February 2024


Words by Ausbuild

Feb 24, 20253 min read

We are pleased to share an update on the progress at The Sanctuary, Ausbuild’s new master-planned residential community in Warner.

Warner Road Upgrade

We appreciate that Warner Road continues to be a busy area that is experiencing a high volume of vehicle, machinery, and pedestrian traffic. Your safety is our priority so please continue to observe all road signage as construction continues. Please continue to observe speed limits at the slow down areas for wildlife and pedestrians. We urge you to please observe these controls for your safety, the wider community’s safety, and our wildlife.

No doubt you will have observed that civil work on the southern side of Warner Rd in future stages 1 to 4 is well advanced. Shortly the civil contractor will be installing temporary traffic signals along Warner Rd so that the upgrade works to Warner Rd can be carried out. This will be an inconvenience for the community at large. We were not permitted to close Warner Rd completely for this work to be carried out. We request that if you can please seek an alternate route out through Paddy Road should you not want to wait for the temporary traffic light queues that definitely will form for the duration of the Warner Rd upgrade works. The
civil contractor will be delivering advice notes to the immediately affected properties shortly. The temporary traffic light set up will commence on 10 March and be operational until the end of August this year (weather permitting works to be completed on time).

Part of this work will finally involve the installation of raised traffic platforms in Warner Rd. These raised platforms are to mitigate to the greatest extent possible traffic speeds across the culverts with a view to protecting wildlife that should find its way onto Warner Rd in lieu of the fauna underpass that we constructed under Warner Rd. 

You may have noticed that the blue pipes that I advised in the pervious bulletin are now buried and a green cabinet has been installed on the southern side of Warner Rd in front of 117 Warner Rd. This device is a
pressure-reducing valve (PRV). The device will be owned by Unitywater and will control the water pressure from the western end water supply line into The Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary North Stages 1 to 4  

The display homes in Habitat Blvd are complete and open. Almost all dwellings are completed across Stage 1 to 4 with many residents now calling The Sanctuary home. The revegetation in the riparian reserve corridors is rapidly growing due to the wet weather we have been experiencing since October 2024 and looks very good. More wildlife has moved in, with birds and small creatures happily settling into their new home. Native fish stocks are increasing well, which is a good sign of a healthy environment. To protect local wildlife in the riparian reserve, dogs are not permitted in the kick-and-chase zone.

Childcare Centre and Swim School

The childcare centre and swim school are complete and open for business.

The Sanctuary South Stage 1 to 5

Civil works are well advanced across Stage 1 to 4. Civil works are virtually complete except for tidy up works within the rural residential precinct (Stage 5) south of Conflagration Creek. Access from Mayflower and Terben Streets. 

Energex and our URD contractor were able to relocate the overheads on the verge in Warner Rd with the last switching carried out in December 2024. We are currently working with Telstra and the NBN on relocating the existing communications cabling strung on the old telegraph poles in Warner Rd. Once that work has been completed the remaining cut down poles will be removed. This will enable the civil contractor to push ahead with the Warner Rd external upgrade mentioned above. The contractor engaged to carry out the relocation work will contact affected residents.

Balance Development – The Sanctuary South Stage 6 and &

The development approval for 137Warner Rd was issued last year and we are waiting for the operational works approval to be issued. It is anticipated that we will begin construction on 137 Warner Rd in the second half of 2025. In due course Warner Rd upgrades will also be carried out culminating just west of 137 Warner Rd. Further advice will be given regarding this.


We welcome your feedback and enquiries. These Development Bulletins are printed and distributed throughout the year to local residents and are available online at www.ausbuild.com.au/communities/thesanctuary-warner/news. For supplier, jobs and community partnership enquiries, or to receive these Development Bulletins directly by email, please contact the Ausbuild team at thesanctuary@ausbuild.com.au.

To learn more about The Sanctuary’s current house and land opportunities, please visit the onsite Sales Display or call 1300 526 301.


The Ausbuild Development Team